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Auto Maintenance: Choosing One Repair Shop

One of the things I learned from my dad is that it pays to find a good auto repair shop and stick with it. True enough, I have tried using more than one shop, based on what I needed done to my car. Every time, I found myself going back to one shop that knew my car and the car's history. I had found that shop not too long ago. They had offered help with everything from rebuilding engines to dent repair. The shop is located near my home, and they keep records that went back for years. Thanks to the long history, they always knew what to do when something was not working as it should. If you think that finding one shop to meet all your needs is a good idea, let me help. With a little effort, you'll know exactly where to take your vehicle any time it needs some work.


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Auto Maintenance: Choosing One Repair Shop

Helpful Tips To Towing A Fifth Wheel Recreational Vehicle For Inexperienced RVers

by Noelle Snyder

When you love to travel but also love the flexibility of having a place to lay your head that you can call your own, a fifth wheel RV is an obvious solution. Even though traveling with a fifth wheel trailer RV is meant to provide a smooth and stable ride, it can be a bit intimidating for a new RVer to hook up and take off without a little practice. Here are a few helpful helpful things that you should keep in mind when pulling fifth wheels with your truck.

1. Distractions Must Be Avoided - Any time you are pulling additional length, you have to remain focused as a driver. However, with a fifth wheel RV in tow, this rule becomes even more crucial. This means you should eliminate all distractions, especially when you are just starting out. Turn off the radio, power off your cell phone, and inform passengers to stay quiet. You should be utilizing all time spent behind the wheel in the beginning getting a feel for how the RV moves along with your vehicle. Traveling with a fifth wheel trailer of any kind will mean you need more time to make movements, such as stopping or turning, which will require your ultimate attention.

2. Mirrors Will Become Your Best Friend - Once you have a fifth wheel RV, it is a good idea to check out the mirrors that you have on your vehicle to ensure they give you the appropriate amount of visibility. There will be a blind spot that is hard to avoid with lengthy models, but overall, your side mirrors should give you a good insight into where your RV is on the road and the other vehicles that could be traveling close by.

3. Wind Is Not Your Friend - Traveling with a traditional fifth wheel trailer when the wind is blowing will not be a big deal, as the trailer sits low enough to the ground to allow air to pass through from any direction. However, a fifth wheel RV is much different. This is a tall, solid structure that you are pulling, and heavy winds will cause a lot of tumultuous behavior while you drive. It is not uncommon for an inexperienced fifth wheel tower to have their vehicle pushed off of the roadway by high winds. The bottom line is, if the winds get high enough that it is causing a struggle to stay positioned properly on the road, it is time to pull over.

Even though you are just a beginner, with a little dedication and time you can easily get more comfortable with pulling fifth wheel RVs on the roadway. You will find that fifth wheels make road trips much more convenient, and will provide you with the most rewarding travel experience. If you have questions about traveling with a trailer, get in contact with a business like Brad's Trailer Supply.
